Our gifts to you...
America's path to healing will be found on the road to restored faith. These "Thriving" books point the way home...
In the aftermath of more tragic shootings in our land, politicians and pundits are scrambling to point the finger of blame and create legislative solutions. But the real solution for our nation -- the real path for healing -- must be built on our nation's foundations of faith, family and freedom.
Grassfire's exclusive "Thriving" book series points the way home. Thriving In Exile teaches the hard lessons of how faith and fortitude can guide us through tough times. Thriving Through The Night goes even deeper in exploring how we can overcome the most difficult challenges. And Grit To Win reveals the qualities we need in our families and our society to restore our cultural greatness.
For the first time in our history, Grassfire is offering all three books -- over 300 pages of resources -- in appreciation of your gift of ANY AMOUNT to help Grassfire build. Simply complete the form below and we'll send you all three books (no cost for shipping). Please note that quantities of this set of three books is limited.
To support Grassfire and request these resources by check, simply print this page and mail it with your check to: Grassfire, P.O. Box 9095, Chesapeake, VA 23321.
Note: for a MONTHLY contribution of $10 or more, we'll send you the books and include you as a Premier Monthly member with immediate access to more resources and up to 80% off on FaxFire campaigns!