Help Grassfire fight!

We've helped nearly a QUARTER MILLION citizens get engaged in key issues over the past 30 days, but we must do more...

Thank you so much for letting your voice be heard by engaging in the key issues of our day! Now we need your help to expand Grassfire's grassroots impact -- because the radical Left simply will not stop their attacks.

They attack faith. They attack family. They attack our very way of life. And then they manage to blame us for America's problems. And they have no love for our president -- who they are now actively trying to IMPEACH!

Grassfire is one of the largest and most active networks of patriotic, grassroots Americans in the nation. In just the past 30 days, through the Grassfire team we've seen nearly a QUARTER MILLION citizen engagements, but we must do more. 

If you can help with Grassfire's current critical need with a contribution of $20 or more (or a monthly contribution of $10 or more), we'll send you two copies of one of our favorite ReStickers: "HE WON, GET OVER IT!" Most importantly, you have our commitment that we are working to build the best Grassfire possible. We want to help you have an even greater impact on key issues affecting our families and our nation.

If you can make a MONTHLY gift of $10 or more, we'll count you as a PREMIER MONTHLY MEMBER and give you immediate access to our Premier benefits, including up to 80% off our fax campaigns (instant value of over $100)

The Left will not stop until they have destroyed this President and silenced our voices! Please help Grassfire rally more grassroots citizens to stand for liberty and limited government!

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