SHOCK: Joe's Worst Gaffe Yet?
Help Grassfire And Receive Our 3-PAK Of "Freedom Magnets"!
Don't be like Joe! Honor America and its heroes with our "Freedom Magnets." Grassfire has a limited supply of these popular car magnets available for FREE, immediate shipping. Also, we're making these patriotic 3-PAKs available to our team members for only $25. That's almost 20% off their original $30 price!
These bold, 8" magnets are weather resistant and safe to display on your vehicle, refrigerator and other metallic surfaces. Put them anywhere you want to share a pro-faith, pro-America message.
In appreciation for your contribution of $25 or more to help Grassfire build, we'll send you one 3-PAK of magnets. Contribute $45 or more to stand with us today, and we'll send you two sets of "Freedom Magnets." That's six magnets at a 25% discount!
Shipping is absolutely FREE! But quantities of these popular "Freedom Magnets" are extremely limited. So, don't wait! Simply complete the form below to request yours now when you help Grassfire build. (Please allow up to four weeks for delivery.)
To contribute by mail, please print this page, make your check or money order payable to "Grassfire" in the amount of $25, $45 or more, and send it to: Grassfire, "Freedom Magnets," P.O. Box 9095, Chesapeake, VA 23321