The liberal media are LYING, and Big Tech is CENSORING the truth! The fact is, almost everything we're being fed by the "mainstream" press -- and certainly the SILICON VALLEY ELITES who control social media -- is all designed around a single agenda. They want to continue the shutdown and lockdowns, cause as much fear and suffering as possible, and defeat Donald Trump on Election Day.

America is seeing far-Left media outlets BAN and CENSOR conservative thought like never before. Some high-profile conservatives -- most notably, FOX News' Tucker Carlson -- are calling them out on it, but the SILENCING continues.

Every day, the media, the D.C. Swamp, the Deep State and High-Tech Elites OPENLY PROMOTE LIES. Their end game is to DEFEAT DONALD J. TRUMP. Don't be fooled!

So, with only 95 days until the election, where does that leave us?


That's why we're writing to you today.

+ + Grassfire is fighting back, but we need YOUR HELP!

GRASSFIRE is on the SHORT LIST of reliable, conservative, citizen networks, providing the truth in the midst of the lies. YOUR VOICE IS MORE IMPORTANT NOW THAN AT ANY TIME IN HISTORY. With our online-activism tools, you can AMPLIFY it and make an impact on the key issues of our day, including freedom of speech, religious liberties, the right to life, gun rights and so many of our other founding principles and values.

The next three months will be THE MOST INTENSE SEASON OF LIES AND ATTACKS that we have ever seen. That's why, in these final days of July, we've been asking for your help. As of this morning, we were still more than $10,000 SHORT OF OUR MONTHLY BUDGET GOAL. This is the final day for us to make up that shortfall.

We're asking you to prayerfully consider helping Grassfire reach our goal, so we can be a VOICE OF TRUTH amidst the tidal wave of lies in our nation right now. Will you make a contribution today of $30, $50, $75, $100 or more to help Grassfire build for the fight of our lives? Go here to make your contribution:


This election -- and this entire year -- is coming down to a battle to define or re-define America. That's why we just finalized what may be our most important resource -- DEFENDING AMERICA'S GREATNESS.

This oversized, full-color, magazine-style publication -- created exclusively for our team members -- commemorates President Trump's historic Mt. Rushmore address. In that speech, President Trump made a profound case for America's Greatness in the face of radical opposition that tried to block and demean his address. The work also includes important speeches and words from the four American presidents carved into the national monument.

In appreciation for your contribution of $30 or more to help Grassfire fight back, we'll send you one copy of this commemorative booklet. Contribute $40 or more and receive two copies of Defending America's Greatness: one for you and another to share. We'll cover shipping and handling. Go here to request your copy when you help Grassfire.

These are critical times. We are facing a tidal wave of lies and distortions from the radical Left. Their allies in Silicon Valley are outright BANNING and CENSORING conservative thought. WE MUST STAND TOGETHER AND DEFEND VOICES OF TRUTH.

Grassfire is fully engaged in the battles to protect and promote our nation's founding principles of life, liberty and limited government. Few organizations in the country can inform and equip hundreds of thousands of citizens like we can. But we urgently need your support to continue fighting until Election Day and beyond.

Please help us make up our July shortfall, and be sure to request Defending America's Greatness when you contribute to our work. Thanks in advance, and may God Bless America in these challenging times.

For life, liberty and limited government,

The Grassfire Team

P.S. We are being bombarded with LIES like never before. And it's why we must BAND TOGETHER and support the few sources of conservative truth that are left. Grassfire wants to REACH at least 10 million conservative voters between now and Election Day. We want to RALLY an army of patriots to take back our nation. But to do that, we urgently need your help right now. Receive a special, limited-edition publication as our gift when you support our grassroots efforts this month. Please click here or on the banner below now to help Grassfire fight back and receive Defending America's Greatness as our gift in appreciation for your contribution of $30, $40 or more: