Sign The National Petition Demanding Senators "Stop Social Media Censorship!"

Big Tech continues CENSORING content it doesn't like, agree with or that runs contrary to their social, cultural and political worldview. Most often -- and almost exclusively -- the news, information and media being banned is conservative and pro-Trump.

Less than three weeks before the presidential election, the Silicon Valley "elites" at Twitter and Facebook blocked a New York Post bombshell that slammed Hunter Biden, the son of Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden. Presumably, because the story reflected poorly on Big Tech's favored candidate, Facebook announced "(W)e are reducing its distribution on our platform."

Twitter suspended the account of the New York Post -- America's fourth-largest newspaper -- for posting the article. Also, Twitter users were blocked from sharing it or locked out for trying to re-tweet it. To his credit, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey later said his company's actions were "unacceptable." But by then, Big Tech had -- once again -- revealed their bias against conservatives, while possibly engaging in ELECTION INTERFERENCE!

In response to the social-media giants' completely unacceptable double standard, Grassfire invites you, your family members and your friends to sign the national "Stop Social Media Censorship!" petition. Stand with thousands of American patriots calling on Twitter and Facebook to stop banning, blocking and flagging conservative content.

When Grassfire reaches 10,000 "Stop Social Media Censorship!" signers, we'll deliver your petition to key Senators on Capitol Hill. Please add your name below.

The petition states:

Dear Senator,

I'm tired of Big Tech's unacceptable double standard of censoring conservatives and the content they post on social media. Twitter, Facebook and other Silicon Valley "elites" MUST BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE for possible ELECTION INTERFERENCE and for creating an uneven "playing field" that favors their preferred candidate, agenda or point of view. I'm counting on you, a duly elected member of Congress, to protect the rights of every American AND the integrity of our elections by taking bold, immediate action. Thank you, in advance, for your patriotic support.


A Concerned, Taxpaying American Citizen


3,053 Signatures so far. Help us get to 10,000