She couldn't believe it. I couldn't either. Could a fortune cookie really "tell" the story of the battle for America's soul? Please see below. --Steve

I never expected a fortune cookie to PERFECTLY ILLUSTRATE the battle we face for the hearts and minds of Americans, especially the younger generation's.

After all, we all know that fortune cookies are a joke. They're just for fun. For laughs.

Well, I used to think they were just for fun...

Until THIS happened.

+ + A little background...

A few weeks ago, I was invited to speak at the two-day, spring retreat for my son's high school. For me, it was a great opportunity to reach GENERATION Z and challenge them to think differently from their peers as they get ready to head out into the world.

During the opening session, I shared some demographic information about their generation -- GEN Z, those born between 1997 and 2015:

Gen Z is the first, truly POST-CHRISTIAN generation; just 9% are "engaged Christians" and only a third attend church regularly; they are "gender fluid" -- less than half are "complete heterosexual"; they are the most diverse generation in history; and they are "device addicts."

+ + How Gen Z defines morality

Essentially, Gen Z are Millennials on steroids. And one more thing: Gen Z has re-defined morality...

According to Gen Z, morality means you can do what you want as long as it "doesn't hurt anyone else."

It's where America has been heading for decades. Gen Z is the end result of the sexual revolution and all the "me" revolutions that have followed. There really is NO external standard of morality for the rising generation.

Please understand that my audience was CHRISTIAN TEENAGERS at a private school. They're very different from the typical "Gen Z-er." But very soon, they will head off to the "indoctrination camps" (otherwise knows as America's universities). There, they'll face an overwhelming bombardment of mind-altering, intellectual bullying designed to convert them to the WOKE, amoral ways of our world.

But the indoctrination starts long before college. It's mind manipulation of the highest order, and it happens everywhere. I challenged the students to watch TV and use social medial with a keen eye for the propaganda that has caused their generation to adopt the radical ideas of gender fluidity and amorality that typify Gen Z.

Then it happened...

The fortune cookie!

+ + "Mr. Elliott... something happened at dinner"

Just before the final session on the second day, I noticed that a somewhat shy junior named Sally was trying to get my attention.

"Mr. Elliott..." she said, waving her hand from across the room. It was clear she had something to tell me, so I started heading her way.

"Something happened at dinner," she said. "The Chinese food." (We were served General Tso's chicken.)

"You've got to see the fortune cookie I got...."

Sally's hand was shaking as she pulled off the case to her phone, where she had carefully stored the "fortune" from dinner.

Here's what Sally's fortune-cookie "inspiration" read:

"It's okay to do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else."

To say that fortune cookie was an eye-opening experience for Sally is an understatement. In that cookie, she had conclusive evidence there is a radical agenda at work in our world! Fully out in the open, that agenda seeks to undermine our faith and take captive our minds for the the "great reset" that is under way. 

Even in fortune cookies!

+ + Why that girl's fortune-cookie illumination matters...

Where am I going with this?

FIRST, we're in a battle for the very soul of our nation, and it's being waged through an IDEOLOGICAL WAR that's underway for the hearts and minds of Americans. In that moment, I knew the battle had been WON in Sally's mind. She would NEVER be fooled again by the WOKE propagandists.

The reality of this IDEOLOGICAL WAR is at the very center of everything we do here at Grassfire. We fight this battle every day through our email, web and social-media efforts that reach millions with the WINNING IDEAS of life, liberty and limited government. I believe our team produces the highest quality in grassroots news and action updates found anywhere in the conservative space. We REPORT TRUTH so you can TAKE ACTION!

We also recently re-launched our LibertyNEWS efforts -- with an all-new website, original content and the BEST aggregate of the news for grassroots conservatives. LibertyNEWS' daily, morning updates give patriotic Americans the INSIDE TRACK on all the top stories, organized in a way that makes sense and makes the case for liberty. (See the link at the end of this message.)

Which brings me to today...

+ + Help us fight the ideological war for liberty!

As you can see, Grassfire is EXPANDING to fight the ideological war for life, liberty and limited government. We're "standing on the wall" for faith, for freedom, for the unborn, for family, for free enterprise... FOR AMERICA! We're in the midst of a very ambitious re-launch of LibertyNEWS. My team is developing new ACTION resources and a fresh web interface to serve you better!

Now, I need YOUR HELP.

With just a few days left in the month, we're still about $10,000 short of our budgeted need for April.

Would you partner with Grassfire as we "break open" the Left's "fortune cookie" deceptions and give millions of patriotic Americans the resources they need to fight back? Click here or on the banner below to make a contribution today of $30, $40, $50, $100 or more:

+ + Our Gift To You: Exclusive "Patriot PAK" ReStickers

When you support our efforts to fight back against radical Democrats, the Unhinged Left, the woke mob, Big Tech censorship and the FAKE NEWS media with a contribution of ANY AMOUNT, you'll receive two of our exclusively designed "Patriot PAK" ReStickers. "God Bless America" and "America Bless God" are state-of-the-art bumper stickers that can be applied and re-applied to virtually any smooth surface.

Click here or on the banner below to receive these pro-faith, pro-USA ReStickers in appreciation for your contribution of ANY AMOUNT to help Grassfire fight to "Save America":

+ + Go the Extra Mile with us...

If you can "go the extra mile" with us today by making a contribution of $40 or more, you'll receive three additional, exclusively designed ReStickers: "Proud To Be An American," "America 1st" and "I ❤️ America." Go here now to receive five pro-America bumper stickers in appreciation for your support. Thanks, in advance, for standing with us.

With the Biden administration fully committed to "fundamentally transforming the United States of America," the next two years promise much more of the same -- at even worse levels. That's why we want to empower patriots, like you {{recipient.first_name_or_friend}}, to make their voices heard.

Again, our mission is to REPORT TRUTH so you can TAKE ACTION on the key issues of our day. Grassfire has one of the largest email networks in the entire conservative movement, and this is especially important right now because EMAIL IS ONE OF THE FEW AVENUES OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION the Silicon Valley Overlords cannot easily censor and silence!

We CAN win this ideological war! But we must stand together in this fight. Thanks again for your help.

For life, liberty and limited government,

Steve Elliott, Founder

P.S. I'm looking for 300 friends to step forward and help Grassfire FIGHT BACK before the end of this month. Will you please empower us to continue serving as a voice of truth in this ongoing fight for the heart and soul of our nation? Go here to receive your resources when you stand with Grassfire today: