Grassfire's "CounterDrudge" Coronavirus headlines for April 13:
- Fauci Turns on the President?
- COVID-1984 Updates
- Google Apple tracking app: "If someone you had coffee with two days ago tests positive for the coronavirus, you would get a notification"
- Fauci says he "can't guarantee" will will be able to vote in person in November; wants immunity certificates
- KY police record license plates at Easter church service
- Michigan bans driving between two homes you own
- D.C.: shoppers must wear face masks in grocery stores, also tennis and golf banned
- NM gov closed gun stores and ranges
- MA-- $100 fine for walking in wrong direction
- MS -- Christians fined $500 for drive-in church
More on infection mortality rate MUCH LOWER than we've been told/sold
- GERMANY: antibody test reveals .37% fatality rate estimate
- DENMARK: antibody test reveals .16% fatality rate estimate
- Stanford Professor: under 65 death risk about same as driving a car 400 miles
- Austrian analysis: COVID death risk rates correspond to regular death risk rates
- Swiss professor: actually similar to other coronaviruses
- Professor Knut Wittkowski interview (video)
- More OVER 100 have died than under 30!
- Chicago Phlebotomist: 30-50% of patients already have antibody
Nursing homes a MAIN VECTOR of transmission and death
- 17% off all COVID deaths in NY state (just .5% of population)
- 48% of COVID deaths in Iowa (just .7% of population)
- 11% nationwide
- Feardemic/Lockdown crisis
- Featured Podcast: Dr. Zubin Damania "COVID Reality Check"
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